Eclectic equine

Hi! I’m M.A. Bell

Do you have something in your life that feeds your soul? Something that helps to keep you centered, gives you joy, allows you to truly be “in the moment”?

I’m very lucky – I have had something in my life that does that for me, and has done it all my life since I can remember; horses. 

And for the last 20 years, that has been one particular horse, my Quarter Horse, Chips.

My Equestrian Journey

My fascination with horses began when I was 3 years old. Someone gave me a coupon for 3 free pony rides at a local ranch, and I was hooked. Every birthday, every Christmas, all I wanted as a present was my very own pony!

Growing up, I experienced firsthand the transformative power of horses on my physical and emotional well-being. This personal connection ignited my lifelong passion for horses.

Over the years I have taught English riding, managed a boarding stable, worked on several racetracks, volunteered for several Therapeutic Riding non-profits as well as a local horse rescue, and ridden more horses than I can count.

I hold the B.H.S.A.I. (British horse Society Assistant Instructor) Certification. and valid licenses for several U.S. racetracks, from Louisiana to Michigan.

These qualifications, coupled with over 60 years of experience, have equipped me with the expertise to evaluate the products sold on this site, to make sure they are quality items.